Calyx came to us— Actually, scratch that. Calyx didn’t come to us with anything, because they didn’t exist. And THAT was the challenge. How do you show a sophisticated audience of interior designers and architects that a well-established retailer of whiteboards and other office furnishings had the juice to spark creativity in modern workplaces?

For Claridge Products, the answer lay in spinning off a sub-brand that speaks to the changing nature of the modern workplace: Calyx. The calyx is the part of the flower that holds the incipient bud. It holds promise and potential. The Calyx brand reflects that sense of inspiration, of creativity on the verge of awakening. 

Once Calyx actually existed, the brand website fell very naturally from our strategy. The online experience takes its cues from high-end retail, and reinforces the Calyx brand at every touchpoint. Calyx is about collaboration, and the site process took that to heart. Grove provided theme design, information architecture and content strategy, developing branded content and a product-driven shopping experience. Our creative team worked closely with Calyx’s internal team to produce a beautiful, functional site that delivers a dynamic, flexible brand experience. There you have it: remote collaboration, mutual inspiration, and a shared sense of purpose. As in art, so in life. 
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